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Build your Web Home: Deep Dive Discovery Questionnaire (one-page)

Grab a drink and set aside time to review and respond to this Discovery Questionnaire.
The more you can answer, the more information we have to help build a strong foundation and structure, and the more deliberately we can craft your design.
Have a Question? Just ask!

Let's start with the basics...

These first questions are info we've already covered, but after these, no more repeats!

Company Details

What's the name of your business / company / service / cause?

And your first name?

Okay ! Tell us about

The Elevator Pitch

What does offer and who does it serve? Keep it under 4 sentences. We’ll get into details later!

Your Domain Name

If you already own your domain name, please include it here — even if it’s parked*

*parked means the domain is registered to you but not attached to a website.

If you own your domain name already, which domain provider did you purchase with?

Your Clients

Define Your Brand

Your brand is the vibe your business gives off to your audience. There are tangible components to a brand identity, but the brand is the sum of those parts and it encompasses how your business is perceived.



Your brand DNA is what’s essential, unchangeable, and specific about your business / work / services. List 3 core characteristics.

Core Values


Character / Personality

Your brand’s personality or character informs both the visual expression of your brand and your brand voice. If you’re a solo business owner or service provider, I find it’s helpful to think of this as describing your work persona.

Are you providing brand assets for this project?

This can include logo, brand guide, color palette, iconography, etc.
Are you providing brand assets for this project?


Please define your industry and your niche within it

Please list 3 competitors / contemporaries

What sets apart from these competitors / contemporaries?

Please list 3 inspirations (brands or contemporaries who inspire you) Feel free to list only or get into detail about what inspires you for each.

Design Direction

Top three words that describe a user's website experience

Or three adjectives to describe your website when someone visits it. e.g. Calming, Bold, Engaging, Entertaining.

Top three words to describe your website's look & feel

e.g. Minimal, sophisticated, editorial, vibrant, professional


Please provide three reference websites for inspiration. Note that your reference may not be in the same industry as yours.
Some things to consider:
- Which websites are you drawn to and why?
- Which features or functionalities are applicable to your website?
- Are you inspired by graphic elements, the color, or the typography?Look & Feel adjective 01
- Do you like the aesthetics i.e. simple, minimal, bold?
- Do you like how the content is laid out? Is there a page or section in particular you want us to refer to? The homepage, about page, et al.

Reference One

What do you like about ?

What do you not like about ?

Please upload any screenshots of relevant sections / etc.

Reference Two

What do you like about ?

What do you not like about ?

Please upload any screenshots of relevant sections / etc.

Reference Three

What do you like about ?

What do you not like about ?

Please upload any screenshots of relevant sections / etc.

Website Goals

What are your primary objectives with this website build?

Choose the top three that apply.
What are your primary objectives with this website build?

Website & Workflow Details

What software do you use currently?
Do we need to maintain your company tech stack? (eg. mandatory use of own server, or mandatory use of a certain CMS, and so on). Can we can implement our own?
Untitled multiple choice field


Please tell us about any integrations you'll need

Site Content

What pages will your website need?
Site Content
Note that items not included in the original scope are subject for approval and might be subject to additional costs.

Site Wishlist

Are there any wishlist ideas, sections, or functionalities you’d like us to explore?

Site Navigation

What main menu links should we add to the header of the website? These links are usually pages but they can be to sections of a page or an external link. Think of how you can guide customer in finding a product or resource. We will also make recommendations but we’d love to hear your ideas.

Marketing, Community, & Promo

Which social accounts do you want to link to (if any) in the header, footer, or contact page?
Untitled multiple choice field

Last, do you have any questions, concerns, or foresee any limitations we may run up against?

Thank you!

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.
This is a crucial step in building a web home that will grow with your business.
Give yourself a little treat!